Executive Search - Strategy Management Support
The strategy management support role is supporting the strategy & planning team in helping the organisation convert the strategy and long-term direction of the company into medium term plans for the sub region that identify the activities required to meet the strategic goals. He also is part of the delivery team of strategic projects and their implementation.
The key accountabilities of the role Strategy Management Support will include:
- Support the strategy & planning team on all operational engagement activities, i.e.
- Develop strategic insight – grounded in data and facts, thought leadership and structure to strategic projects
- Support the management in strategic and operational decisions and in the daily business
- Keeping the strategies up-to-date, and where necessary, refreshes and communicates the adapted strategies.
- The Strategy Management Support will have a central role in strategic projects
- Preparing senior management communication (C-level)
- Secure regular and distinct information flow between executive board, management and BU’s
- Support PMO lead with implementation
- Handle and coordinate strategy & planning inquiries and support the team through internal processes
- Engages with colleagues across the company, ensuring functional teams such as marketing, product and consulting as well as the BU´s are appropriately involved and informed about strategic & planning needs
- Support and prepare project meetings in cooperation with other CE functions
- Profound knowledge of the payments industry landscape
- Customer oriented and Client driven
- Speak and write fluently in English.
- Open for new and changing environment
- Have effective organizational skills
- Capable to keep track of multiple and multi-topic tasks in parallel
- Have attention to detail and high level of accuracy such as ability for achieving
- Be a self-motivated employee who can work alone and in the team
- Have experience and capacity to become a respected and valued partner for the Client and the company
- Possess strong interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively with clients and internally
- Be able to liaise and motivate within a matrix organisation
Telefon: (0228) 36 94 09 – 0 Email: info[at]mbmanagement.de
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MB Management – Executive Search – Frankfurt am Main
Gutes und erfolgreiches Recruiting bedeutet, dem Mitbewerb immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Wir haben dafür das nötige Fingerspitzengefühl, die Kreativität, die Erfahrung und die nötige unternehmerische Denkfähigkeit.
Oberste Priorität haben Schnelligkeit und Kostenbewusstsein. Sie haben Zeit für Ihr Geschäft und Ihre Kunden. Wir kümmern uns um Talente. Unser Mehrwert liegt einerseits in unserem vielseitigen Branchen Know-how und andererseits in der notwendigen Kandidaten-Akzeptanz. High Potentials erwarten Professionalität und schnelle Reaktionszeiten im Bewerberprozess.
Wir haben die Erfahrung seit mehr als 20 Jahren und verfügen über die entsprechenden internationalen Referenzen. Wir arbeiteten 15 Jahre als Researcher in Kooperation mit anderen Personalberatern, d.h. wir lieferten den Beratern die Kandidaten, die hinterher in Ihrem Hause präsentiert und eingestellt wurden