Executive Search – Director Radio & Backhaul Engineering

Executive Search - Director Radio & Backhaul Engineering*

The person responsible for the “how” (planning, selection … guidelines … measurement, optimization) and will be responsible for 80% of the CTO budget, will report directly to the CTO and lead a team of approx. 100 persons.

His/ her responsibilities are described in the following section.

Professional requirements

  • Business Leader – smart & analytical person, able to anticipate future (5G) network usage/needs
  • Define innovation strategy & plan all related actions – knowing existing & anticipate future usage pattern for relevant industries (in close cooperation with HQ)
  • Define, select & introduce technologies for Radio Access & Transport Backhaul networks (securing state-of-the-art technologies in efficient manner)
  • Strategic/central planning for Radio Access Networks as well as transport mobile Backhaul
  • Decision making on selection of service providers/ suppliers for implementation & rollout services (securing best decisions for rollout efficiency vs. available budget and strategic priorities)
  • Oversee technology rollout for Radio Access & Transport Network & set-up quality system to ensure in time/budget/quality rollout (the actual roll-out management is provided by a different department “Regional (Deployment)”)
  • Design & ensure optimization/ performance improvement of network (securing customer experience on access network)
  • Owning & managing/steering implementation services budget (~550m€ CAPEX) as well OPEX, maximizing outcome of economic resources
  • He/ She will cooperate closely with his/ her pears (department heads)
    • a) Regional (Deployment)
    • b) Operations & Quality
    • c) Engineering Core & Services
    • d) Network Economics & Transport

Personal requirements

  • Empathetic & solution-oriented person – convincing communication & presentation skills – create enthusiasm
  • International and open mindset – people leadership (develop, lead & motivate) – people change management expertise
  • English language skills (German/Spanish optional), understanding of German culture

Telefon: (0228) 36 94 09 – 0 Email: info[at]mbmanagement.de

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MB Management GmbH – Executive Search München

Gutes und erfolgreiches Recruiting bedeutet, dem Mitbewerb immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Wir haben dafür das nötige Fingerspitzengefühl, die Kreativität, die Erfahrung und die nötige unternehmerische Denkfähigkeit.

Oberste Priorität haben Schnelligkeit und Kostenbewusstsein. Sie haben Zeit für Ihr Geschäft und Ihre Kunden. Wir kümmern uns um Talente. Unser Mehrwert liegt einerseits in unserem vielseitigen Branchen Know-how und andererseits in der notwendigen Kandidaten-Akzeptanz. High Potentials erwarten Professionalität und schnelle Reaktionszeiten im Bewerberprozess.

Wir haben die Erfahrung seit mehr als 20 Jahren und verfügen über die entsprechenden internationalen Referenzen. Wir arbeiteten 15 Jahre als Researcher in Kooperation mit anderen Personalberatern, d.h. wir lieferten den Beratern die Kandidaten, die hinterher in Ihrem Hause präsentiert und eingestellt wurden.

Headhunter München – Executive Search München – Personalberatung München

*) Independently of the chosen wording all descriptions always include all suitable candidates regardless of their sex, ethnic affiliation, sexual orientation etc.