Headhunter – Enterprise / Application / Cloud Architecture (f/m/d)

Headhunter - Enterprise / Application / Cloud Architecture (f/m/d)

We are looking for expert IT architects who are able to further develop existing IT landscapes conceptually and can help with their implementation in an advisory capacity.

Candidate Profile

The “ideal” candidate has the following expertise:

  • Substantial experience in typical IT architecture topics
  • Experience in analysis of an existing application landscape (including all internal and external applications)
  • Development of a blue print (target architecture) considering state-of-the-art technologies, procedures, etc. (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS, … virtualization …) and provider/ partner (software player, platforms)
  • Background/interested in typical office IT stacks, e.g.
    • Microsoft front office tools (incl. SharePoint, .net)
    • Collaboration (Google Mail, Hangout)
    • SAP backoffice systems (currently migrated to cloud based systems, Workday, Salesforce, SAP 4/Hana)
    • Cloud platforms (Azure, GCP and AWS)
    • Analytics platforms (in use are the most rele-vant/ large software packages)
  • Definition of how and by which means this target architecture can be achieved (e.g. application migrations to the cloud)
  • Software development Lifecycles and methodologies including agile, scrum, iterative and waterfall, using blended resources.
  • In-depth knowledge of prioritization, risk assessment, dependencies, bottlenecks incl. very solid cost estimates
  • Is a skilled people manager who demonstrates thought leader-level knowledge with, and/or a proven record of success directing efforts in various technologies and leveraging broad specialization in making IT design recommendations
  • Owns an undergraduate degree (e.g. BA, BS) (or higher) or equivalent practical knowledge and has at least six to eight years of international work experience
  • Language: Excellent oral and written communication skills in English
  • Optional: A professional career in a regulated environment (e.g. banking, insurance industry) before
  • Optional: Intimate knowledge and leadership success with enterprise transformation concepts, practices, methods, principles and a comprehensive understanding of evolving industry trends, practices and standards

Telefon: (0228) 36 94 09 – 0 Email: info[at]mbmanagement.de

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MB Management GmbH – Headhunter Frankfurt

Gutes und erfolgreiches Recruiting bedeutet, dem Mitbewerb immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Wir haben dafür das nötige Fingerspitzengefühl, die Kreativität, die Erfahrung und die nötige unternehmerische Denkfähigkeit.

Oberste Priorität haben Schnelligkeit und Kostenbewusstsein. Sie haben Zeit für Ihr Geschäft und Ihre Kunden. Wir kümmern uns um Talente. Unser Mehrwert liegt einerseits in unserem vielseitigen Branchen Know-how und andererseits in der notwendigen Kandidaten-Akzeptanz. High Potentials erwarten Professionalität und schnelle Reaktionszeiten im Bewerberprozess.

Wir haben die Erfahrung seit mehr als 20 Jahren und verfügen über die entsprechenden internationalen Referenzen. Wir arbeiteten 15 Jahre als Researcher in Kooperation mit anderen Personalberatern, d.h. wir lieferten den Beratern die Kandidaten, die hinterher in Ihrem Hause präsentiert und eingestellt wurden.

Headhunter Frankfurt – Executive Search Frankfurt – Personalberatung Frankfurt